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When it comes to sick pay entitlement, the United Kingdom falls behind other European countries, with a current statutory sick pay rate of just £109.40 a week*. This places a heavy burden on individuals facing illness or injury and it becomes even more crucial to recognise the significance of income protection. 

Financial security 

Falling ill or suffering an injury can disrupt your ability to work, often resulting in a loss of income. Without proper protection in place, you may struggle to meet your financial obligations and maintain your standard of living. Income protection offers a safety net by providing a regular income stream when you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. This ensures you can focus on your recovery without worrying about the financial impact on yourself or your family. 

Enhanced sick pay coverage 

Income protection goes beyond the limitations of statutory sick pay. While sick pay covers a minimal amount for a limited period, income protection insurance can replace a significant portion of your pre-illness income. This increased coverage helps bridge the gap between your monthly expenses and the reduced income during your recovery period. 

Longer-term support 

The duration of statutory sick pay is limited. However, certain illnesses or injuries may require an extended recovery period, leaving you without income beyond this timeframe. Income protection policies can provide coverage for an extended period, offering reassurance during a long absence from work. This support allows you to focus on your health without the added financial strain. 


Income protection can be tailored to meet your specific needs. You can choose the waiting period (the length of time before benefits are paid) and the length of coverage that aligns with your needs. Additionally, you may opt for benefits such as rehab support or critical illness cover, providing a safety net for various scenarios. 

Peace of mind 

Illness and injury are unpredictable, and their impact can be significant. By having income protection in place, you gain peace of mind knowing that your financial well-being is safeguarded. This sense of security allows you to focus on recovery and rehab, easing you back into work and daily life. 

Given the inadequacy of statutory sick pay in the UK, income protection becomes a vital tool to boost your financial stability during times of illness or injury. Whether you’re a sole breadwinner, a parent supporting a family, or simply concerned about the potential impact of lost income, income protection offers the much needed support to navigate through these times. 

Remember, our team of experienced financial advisers are available to help tailor an insurance plan that meets the needs of your family. 

If you would like to discuss your financial situation further, please get in touch. 0161 250 1470

*correct as of June 2023 

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