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The cold winter months can take a toll on your finances. Beat the winter blues and keep more cash in your pocket with these handy money saving tips: 

Lower the thermostat, reset your boiler and bleed your radiators: Turning down your thermostat just 1 degree can reduce heating bills by up to £60 a year. (See: Energy Saving Trust (2021) “Top 10 energy saving actions for your home”).  Looking to see if your boiler is on its most optimum setting will mean you aren’t unnecessarily heating up your water and a quick check of radiators can ensure your system is working at full capacity. Put on an extra layer and keep more cash in your pocket.

 Use draft excluders: Stay warmer and reduce heating bills by sealing any cracks and blocking draughts. Affordable DIY draft excluders can make a big difference.  Take advantage of sales: Retailers offer huge winter discounts. Score deals on everything from coats and jumpers to boots and blankets. Sign up for sales alerts so you don’t miss out. 

Switch energy providers: You could save money by switching to a cheaper energy deal. Do an energy comparison online to find the best rates. 

Cut down on takeaways: Limit the takeaway orders and cook more meals at home. The savings quickly add up. 

 Have nights in: Rather than paying for nights out, have friends over for cosy nights in. Rotate hosting potluck style to save everyone cash. 

Use public transport: Wrap up warm and use buses, trains and the tube rather than paying for petrol or parking. Walk or cycle if you can. Use cashback sites: Earn cashback on purchases through dedicated sites like Quidco and TopCashback. Every little saving helps. 

Seek out free activities: Look for free festivals, markets, museum days and other fun freebies to curb seasonal spending. 

Batch cook and freeze: Cook large batches of soups, curries and bolognese and freeze individual portions. Quick, budget-friendly meals done. 

Keep more cash in your pocket this winter with these savvy tips!

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